Confidential Disclosure Agreement

All of the Marlin Group restaurants and bars that are for sale or lease are being offered on a confidential basis. It is critically important for the Seller, and usually the Buyer, that the business continues to operate consistently throughout the sale process.

The Marlin Group will only release detailed confidential information about our offerings to those Buyer prospects that have registered as Buyers and who have signed and provided us with a Confidential Disclosure Agreement. The Marlin Group will pre-qualify each Buyer prospect and then release the appropriate information. It is necessary to fax us a signed confidentiality agreement including the MGI #’s of interest. The MGI # is our “listing” number which will make it easy for us to locate the listing you are interested in. To print out the Marlin Group Confidential Disclosure Agreement please click below and then select print form.

Once you open the “Confidentiality Agreement” Please click on the printer icon to print the agreement or select “File” then “Print” from the Acrobat Editor. If nothing appears below, you will have to download Adobe Acrobat before printing. Please complete the confidentiality sheet including the MGI# for the listing(s) you are interested in.


Please fax completed Confidentiality Agreement to: 503-241-2314